时间:2024-03-12 11:17 来源:开户财经网 作者:综合

COP28联合国气候变化大会2023年12月13日在阿联酋迪拜闭幕,大会明确了2020~2030关键十年加速期间,以公正、有序和公平的方式转型脱离(Transition away)化石燃料。通过基础设施建设和快速部署零排放和低排放车辆等多种途径,来加速降低交通运输排放亦成为各国政府针对品牌物流供应链的一大课题。

While COP28 closing successfully in U.A.E on December 13,2023, it’s clearly defined that decade from 2020 to 2030 is crucial period for Climate Action, including transition away from fossil fuels in a fair, orderly, and equitable manner. In sequence, it became a major challenge during related climate policy setting to accelerate green logistics (scope 3) development progress of each brand, which required multi-solutions as infrastructure construction improvement, rapid deployment of zero emission and low emission vehicles.


On March 4 of 2024, the strategic service agreement is signed between SF Group (abbr. as SF) and FENDI in China, meaning the SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION PROJECTS IN SCOPE 3 being firmly launching. This partnership with FENDI, aims to actively synchronize accurate carbon information between brand and logistics providers under supply chain service scenario, optimize the transportation modes of upstream and downstream logistics of brands, support reduction actions of carbon emission from supply chain, minimize ESG cost and risk in operation, improve the resilience of green and low-carbon operations throughout the logistics supply chain and also the offsetting initiatives that reinforces the global positive impact.

为推动全球可持续发展目标实现进程,LVMH 集团提出了包括气候、生物多样性、创造性循环和透明度的“LIFE 360”目标(LVMH Initiatives For the Environment)。作为LVMH集团旗下卓越品牌之一,FENDI已致力于绿色供应链管理逾十年,基于“LIFE 360”倡议,FENDI本土可持续行动正式进入自主加速阶段,此次启动的“供应链级可持续双创新”行动非常契合品牌可持续商业理念。在有关部门的指导和技术机构支持下,本行动将以气候与循环经济双创新为改善路径,精准实现运单级运输碳足迹绿色可量化、资源再生足迹可量化,共创提升本土供应链的可持续韧性,携手奢品实现本土化供应链级可持续先锋示范。

To contribute the progress of SDGs goal, LVMH Group has put forward the “LIFE 360”Initiative (LVMH Initiatives For the Environment), including climate, biodiversity, creative cycle and transparency. As one of the outstanding brands under LVMH Group, FENDI has been committed to green supply chain management for over 10 years. Based on the “LIFE 360” Initiative, FENDI officially entered an autonomous acceleration stage in its local sustainable initiative. The launch of “Supply Chain Sustainability Innovations”Initiative accords with the sustainable business concept of the brand a lot. Under the guidance of related authorities and support of technical institutes, the Initiative takes dual innovations in climate and circular economy for improvement, precisely realizes quantification for green carbon footprint for shipment transportation and renewable resource trace, innovatively enhances the sustainability flexibility of local supply chain, making a local sustainable supply chain pioneer with cooperation with the luxury brand.

作为支持LNA+ 计划的践行奢品品牌,FENDI将与顺丰开展两项可持续创新项目,“气候创新”,即量化各环节气候影响、跟踪绿色场景气候贡献,包含全链路运输碳足迹测算,全链路仓储碳足迹测算及全链路可持续绩效管理;“循环创新”,即量化材料废弃端气候影响、跟踪材料闭环再生模式下循环经济贡献,包含材料回收侧碳足迹测算,以及定向再生绩效管理。

As LNA+ Stewardship supporting brand from luxury , FENDI will work two sustainable innovation projects with SF. Under the project as“Climate Innovation”, to measure the climate impact from each process and track climate contribution through green operation, the action is designed to measure carbon footprint from whole transportation, to measure carbon footprint from warehouse, and to manage sustainability performance of whole logistics. Under the project as “Circularity Innovation”, to measure the climate impact through waste management, track the circularity contribution through loop & recycled materials development, the action is designed to measure carbon footprint during recycling material, and to manage sustainability performance of recycled material in close-loop way.

作为支持气候行动的领先品牌,FENDI已设定与母集团(LVMH) 一致的全价值链气候战略,并明确以2019碳排放值为基准年的三项战略执行指标,即2026年前实现自身(范围一+二)碳排放绝对值减少50%;同年通过采购100%可再生能源满足自身经营侧的全面绿色用电;2030年前实现供应链(范围三)碳排放强度减少55%战略目标。通过上述行动来强化对《巴黎协定》1.5℃温升目标的贡献。

As one of the leading brands to support the 1.5℃ goal set by Paris Agreement , FENDI has already priority Climate Action into strategy mission, which cover whole value chain and in line with group’s sustainability strategy. Three tactics goal are clearly clarified based on the 2019 emission status, the first is to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 50% by 2026, the second is to increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity up to 100% by 2026, the third is to reduce scope 3 GHG emissions 55% per million € value added by 2030.


As a global supply chain benchmark enterprise pushing carbon emission reduction and carbon neutrality, SF Group has always been the backbone force and leader in sustainable governance of local logistics industry. Joining hands with FENDI will accelerate the green and low carbon transition of supply chain in the fashion industry, and provide valuable industry practice experience and contribution for the achievements of dual carbon goals of supply chain in China.
